5th BOOSTEE-CE project meeting
The partnership of project BOOSTEE has met for the fifth time in the City of Koprivnica, Croatia. As the project progresses there are more and more activities and results to keep track of and discuss about.
The main activities and outcomes of the 3rd period were:
- The OnePlace platform is nearly done - it contains 4 interlinked module: Living Energy Marketplace, Energy Efficient Cities, Financing Energy Efficiency and the 3D Energy Management System:
- the Living Energy Marketplace aims to connect customers interested in energy efficiency projects to qualified contractors - basically a database of devices and experts to empower potential investors;
- The Energy Efficient Cities module is an exchange platform of experiences and identification of good practices;
- The Financing Energy Efficiency module (WP4) is the visual presentation of the transnational strategy outcomes;
- 3D Energy Management System is a module (viewer) to visualize energy information / consumption / losses / PV potential / audit certificates of public building using 3D building models (WP1).
The BOOSTEE-CE partnership in Koprivnica, Croatia.
- 8 Focus Group meetings;
- BOOSTEE-CE connected with two other Interreg Central Europe projects (TOGETHER, CitiEnGov) for cross-fertilization and common utilization of project results.
- WP1 is finished - 3D building models are available in the 3DEMS.
- WP2 is under construction - OnePlace platform is running but there is a lot to do in order to create a shiny and useful platform!
- WP3 pilot action are delivered - for more information, see the main page.
- WP4 is under construction - Financial strategies for EE, financial schema and financial roadmaps are done and will be available on the BOOSTEE-CE webpage.
The partnership tested the 3DEMS and the OnePlace platform which is performing better and smoother from day to day. The range of attributes shown in the 3DEMS was discussed among the partner, as there are differences between each dataset in their range of metadata. Displaying live smart metering data of the pilot action locations is the next logical step as well as making energy audits and other documents available on the 3DEMS.
The 'Train the trainers' and the consequent local seminars were also discussed and we already have a date for the transnational events, and will be publicly announced shortly.
The next project meeting will be held in Tolna County, Hungary, in September 2019.