2nd Focus Group Meetings in Slovenia

The Municipality of Velenje and the E-Institute organised the 2nd Focus Group Meeting of project BOOSTEE-CE. The event was divided into two parts (meeting with local business support organisation and meeting with the regional energy agency) and took place in Velenje on the 10th and the 29th of October 2018. The participants were informed about the progress of BOOSTEE-CE and the local pilot action: installation of smart meters in the Music School Fran Korun Koželjski Velenje by Municipality of Velenje. Focus of the discussion was on first intermediate results of pilot action and on the first draft of OnePlace platform.
The project leaflets, brochures and the 2nd Newsletter were handed out to stakeholders.
Further active collaboration is expected in continuation of pilot activities and collecting best practices and expert databases for the Oneplace.
E-Institute also disseminated BOOSTEE-CE on two additional occasions.
Some 25 participants got familiar with the BOOSTEE-CE project at the Conference of the members of Green Network of Slovenia that took place on the 26th of October in Žalec, Slovenia, where BOOSTEE-CE brochures, leaflets and the 2nd Newsletter were disseminated.
On Friday, 9.11.2018, about 30 participants of the Round table "How to tackle complex energetic refurbishment - a gap between theory and practice", got familiar with the BOOSTEE-CE project over the dissemination of BOOSTEE-CE brochures, leaflets and the 2nd Newsletter. The event took place in Maribor, Slovenia and was organized by Green Building Council Slovenia and Energy Agency for Podravje (Energap).