2nd Focus Group Meeting in Tolna

The 2nd FGM in Tolna took place on the 15th of November 2018 with the participation of the representatives from the City of Tolna who operate the buildings the Hungarian Pilot Action is concerned with: the Town Hall, the Sports Hall and the Lovarda Cultural Centre.
The participants were given an update of the project: the 3D EMS was reviewed in detail, possible future expansions with additional functionalities, such as displaying live smart metering data to be displayed in the pilot buildings to enhance building user commitment to more efficient use of facilities were discussed.
The group also discussed project proceedings, such as the results of the 4th partner meeting (Zlín) and outcomes in other WPs - the OnePlace platform seems to be particularly interesting for building operators as a whole, since there planned range of information satisfies a large portion of the needs for building maintenance and energy efficiency investment preparation.