2nd Focus Group Meeting in Zlín
Energy agency of the Zlín Region organised the 2nd focus group meeting of the BOOSTEE-CE project on 04/10/2018 in Zlín. 6 participants took part in the event which focus was to consult and present project outputs, share and exchange experience and introduce particular deliverables of BOOSTEE-CE project. Participants from four subjects were present – Energy Agency of the Zlín Region as the project partner, Zlín Region as the associated partner , Grammar school in Holešov as the pilot action representation, Javorník-CZ-plus company as the significant stakeholder in building construction in the Zlín Region.
Firstly, the results of the measurement of the indoor environment in the school buildings of the Zlín Region involved in the project BOOSTEE-CE were presented to participants as well as the results of pilot investments in the Zlín Region within the Zlín Region. Then, the OnePlace platform was presented with its modules (WebGIS tool , 3D city models, Financial roadmap, Database) and functionalities, i.e. the complexity of this platform enabling users to exchange experience, identify good practice & draw conclusions and remarks which they can disseminate to urban policy / energy planners.