Financing Energy Efficiency

BOOSTEE-CE strives to provide upgraded financial tools to local municipalities and regional authorities by giving a visual presentation of the transnational strategy outcomes, financial roadmaps, examples of the best practices and practical steps how to use the national and EU-level resources. 

The module consists of 6 main sections:

  • Comparative analysis of financial schema in CE countries - Analysis of differences among financial schema in partner countries, considering EU grants/funds, possible normative obstacles, investment return, models, etc.
  • Transnational Energy Efficiency Financing Strategy - A review of the existing energy financin solutions and models that are or will be in the future the important enablers for EE and energy savings in public infrastructures. The strategy evaluates the potential of different financia models and give recommendations. 
  • Transnational methodological framework for a EE roadmap development - The aim of the financial roadmap is to help public authorities to deal with many different financing grants in the EE domain. The methodological framework builds upon the practical knowledge of public institutions and provides an overview of financing models used to finance EE upgrades in the public sector with the specific focus on financial models to minimize the load on public budgets. Recommendations for decision-makers on identifying and implementing a suitable financing model, risks and measures in case of financial investments, case studies etc.
  • Energy efficiency financing roadmaps for public infrastructures in CE municipalities - Financing roadmaps designed to achieve a desired goal of energy efficiency in public infrastructures in specific towns/municipalities in Italy, Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland and Croatia.
  • Best practices and investments return models in energy efficiency financing - Collection of the best practice examples from CE countries on various financial investments return models through which market-enabling actions for large investments are highlighted. These best practices are presented and analysed on attractive factsheets 
  • Energy Efficiency Financing Project Calculator - The simple energy efficiency project calculator which gives to the user a basic indicative idea of the profitability and advisability of the investment into an energy efficiency or RES project.

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