A quick update on our media appearances
In the framework of the BOOSTEE-CE project, several partners were able to install smart meters in their public buildings to increase energy efficiency, and we also created a platform where project findings and practical information is published and accessible to the general public. We are trying to spread the information about all these achievements to raise awareness to EE in public buildings and what we can offer. Our partners are dedicated to inform the public about our joint efforts on a local level, and it's been quite fruitful.
Here you can find a few links to our recent media appearances:
Austria: https://www.judenburg.at/daten/stadtnachrichten/STNR_2019-05.pdf
Slovenia: https://issuu.com/copatek/docs/sinenergija-imeas-sep2019_tisk
Croatia: https://koprivnica.hr/novosti/odrzan-je-nacionalni-trening-u-sklopu-projekta-boostee-ce/
https://www.zacler.cz/mesto/zaclersky-zpravodaj/ (to be uploaded later)