Budapest background study is available
Increasing sealed, decreasing green surfaces in urban areas, volatile precipitation: this is the background picture of urban water management in Budapest.
The main topic of third stakeholder meeting in Budapest was the SELF-ASSESSMENTS STUDY ON BACKGROUND CONDITIONS RELATED TO CIRCULAR WATER USE. The analysis prepared by Tér-Team gives a full overview of the data and trends related to the water management of the city e.g population, precipitation, temperature, green and sealed areas, water consumption, pricing, etc. The survey follows the common CWC methodology, that helps to compare the data and trends of partner cities for further transnational analysis.
The study provides a helpful background knowledge for urban planners, technical experts, decision makers of municipalities to identify the main challenges, risks and needed interventions and build a more sustainable future urban water management in BUdapest.
As a final conclusions of the backsground study and the disscussions with the Budapest stakeholder group a status quo analysis was also prepared. It summarizes the main challenges and strength of water management in the city.
Based on the data and facts, the next steps of the project process is the preparation of collaborative strategy building.