Social Siesta Webinar #1 – What social entrepreneurs do for society!
With our Social Siesta Webinar Series we start the new year with full power and support for social entrepreneurship in Central Europe.
The first session of this series will take place on Jan 11th 2022 (2pm CET) and will show “what social entrepreneurs do for society”.

It will answer questions like “How do I explain the value of my social business to partners?” and features the following experts from various organizations throughout Europe:
- David Kovalsky (Czech Republic): Serial Entrepreneur, Business Hacker, Mentor, Investor and Education Angel
- Teo Petričević (Croatia): Social innovator, social business architect & consultant, director at ACT Group
- Živa Lopatič (Slovenia): Founder at Zadruga Buna z.o.o. and leader of the Fair Trade movement in Slovenia
- Manuel Kreitmeir (Germany): Systems Entrepreneur, creating ecosystems for Open Social Innovation, organizer of the European Social Economy Summit
We invite you to join our Social Siesta Webinar Series, which is part of the INTERREG Central Europe project CE-RESPONSIBLE!
Please register here: