The Association of Private Employers of Świętokrzyskie Lewiatan was established in 2002 in Kielce.
Is a regional association of the Lewiatan Confederation - the largest organization of employers in Poland. It is a voluntary, self-governing and independent organization in its operations, associating employers from the area of the Świętokrzyskie Province. 

ŚZPP Lewiatan Lewiatan is a member and one of the most dynamically operating Regional Unions of the Lewiatan Confederation - the largest employers' organization in Poland representing the private sector. The Confederation, as the only Polish employers' organization, has a representative office in Brussels and belongs to BUSINESSEUROPE - the largest European organization representing the interests of entrepreneurs and employers towards the European Commission, the European Parliament and other EU institutions.
At the central level, he is seeking interests of the Świętokrzyskie SME sector companies. From a group of over 70 members, employing almost 5,000 employees. Organizes dozens of different on odzaju events of substance, of which the majority are destined Disable lifted for the business environment. Experts and employees of the ŚZPP Lewiatan office constantly monitor all aspects of the functioning of enterprises in the region and the country as well as the legislative changes introduced.

An important area of the company's activity is economic education of children and youth. The Association has been cooperating with the Świat Money Fund for many years , which is the publisher of publications for children and young people of the same title. W supports all activities regarding, among others health of employees - he took the patronage of the "Cancer is Your Business!" campaign on cancer prevention in women . Implements projects of awareness s and information that , among others, " We have working mothers!" Dedicated to entrepreneurs and young women, aimed at promoting flexible forms of employment, supporting women in returning to the labor market after maternity leave and encouraging companies to employ them.


The VIVE Group consists of related companies, the main of which - VIVE Textile Recycling, operating for 25 years, is a leader in the textile recycling industry in Poland and Europe. She takes the actions for sustainable development extremely seriously and as a recycling leader feels obliged to take actions for the benefit of the environment, employees, local community as well as market education. It is also distinguished by innovative, deeply thought-out ideas and solutions, created for the sake of people and the natural environment. The VIVE serce Dzieciom Foundation is a public benefit organization, and allocates funds from the 1% income tax for statutory purposes. The Foundation's budget is also constantly supplied by the VIVE Group . 

The VIVE Heart Foundation for Children has been granting scientific, artistic, mathematical and sport scholarships since 2008 . Within the Foundation has three scholarship programs aimed at children, which show very good results in science. The foundation has adopted the principle of cooperation with scholarship holders by offering them the opportunity to participate in many projects that are to serve their development. The management board adopted the principle of support in urgent cases, where rescue is necessary immediately and in cases of illness in families with very low material status.

The goal of the VIVE Heart for Children Foundation is to create a sustainable system of help for children and youth, not only in a financial way, through scholarships or funds for treatment, but above all by providing a good example and the most important values that will help them start their adult life. The Foundation implements many projects related to education and combating social isolation, supporting entrepreneurship and shaping positive attitudes in children, as well as interest in their physical activity and sport. Her domain is social rehabilitation, education and sporting activities.

The most interesting initiatives include also the implementation of the "Tailor-made Recycling" competition, the idea of which is to disseminate knowledge about the possibility of reusing textile materials and to develop a creative approach to recycling among students of primary and junior high schools in Świętokrzyskie. VIVE Group companies do not forget about market education, taking care of raising ecological awareness of their employees, business partners and customers. The goal is to implement comprehensive actions that will cover not only environmental aspects, but also take into account social interests. The company's activities, in accordance with the principle of sustainable development, therefore also include social campaigns implemented in cooperation with the VIVE Heart for Children Foundation and charity campaigns with employees .