CERIecon project presentation to member states representatives
On Monday, 14 January 2019, the CERIecon project was honoured to present the project and some of the start-ups involved to representatives of the Central Europe member states.
Apart from a short overview about the project, three start-ups presented their business ideas and the influence CERIecon had on the development of their busines.
Did you know that 100% of an apricot can be used? KernTech has become an expert on the recycling of stone fruit seeds and transforms them into snacks or cosmetics.
The New Austrian Coding School explained how its programme and approach can help refugees and young unemployed to become software developers in nine months.
Alpengummi informed about the ingredients of ‘normal’ chewing gum and how their product is better and healthier.
Of course, testing the chewing gum as well as the stone fruit seeds was part of the presentations.
Check out the start-ups’ web sites: