CEUP2030-Mid-term Conference

AI Technologies in manufacturing landscape: State of the art, trends and initiative supporting companies in AI uptake

DATE AND TIME: 28th APRIL 2021 II 9:45-16:00 CEST

REGISTARTION AND MORE: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/artificial-intelligence-technologies-in-manufacturing-landscape-registration-136611890843 

Artificial intelligence is a game-changing technology for various industries. Looking at manufacturing sector, AI is strongly affecting companies’ processes increasing productivity, efficiency, rapidity and ensuring higher customisation while reducing operational costs. AI technologies are also rapidly changing the way humans are working allowing them to focus on value added activities while ensuring higher safety, ergonomics and inclusivity but at the same time requiring new competences and knowledge. 

Although benefits from AI adoptions are widely recognised, several manufacturing companies, in particular SMEs, are still far from the integration of AI technologies in their production processes. Culture and mindset, technological and skill gaps or unclear company strategy are some of the barriers that are hampering the access to these technologies.

Having this in mind, AFIL -Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia, Consorzio Intellimech and Politecnico di Milano are organising a conference in order to discuss AI technologies state of the art as well as the related technological and market trend and provide an overview of European context, focusing in particular on the actions designed by the European Commission to support the adoption of AI technologies in manufacturing sector.

Then, starting from an analysis of Lombardy manufacturing ecosystem peculiarities, the event will offer the opportunities to discuss the main priorities and the barriers which have been identified by local stakeholders who have invested or are willing to invest in AI applications. Finally introducing two good practices from the Lombardy innovation ecosystem, the event will stress the importance of leveraging on open innovation and being involved in virtuous cooperation networks to ensure company competitiveness in such dynamic contexts.
