Automation and Robotics

Automation and Robotics support the “Factory of the Future” and enables realising efficient, effective production processes ranging from nano scale processes over collaborative robotic systems to complex adaptive production systems.

 Sub-topic 1: Robotic and Assistive Systems
Robotic and Assistive Systems focuses on systems, which are combining human and machine interaction, intelligence and processing power, human expertise and machine power. The aim of industrial Assistance Systems is to support human beings in a in a volatile, richly varied and highly flexible production. The cognitive abilities of these assistance systems are constantly being improved.

Sub-topic 2: Machine Vision – Zero Defect Manufacturing for Automation
The ultimate goal of any kind of quality control is to avoid defective parts. Technologies related to achieving this goal are summarized under the strategic topic of “Zero Defect Manufacturing”.

Sub Topic 3: Augmented and virtual reality, visualization
Visual Computing combines established and scientific methods for position determination, tracking technologies and machine learning to drive the following innovations. This includes Systems with higher-value perception and assistance options, Smart devices and tools and also Collaborating robots. 

Sub-topic 4: Simulation and Modelling, Flexible Production Systems
Flexibility and Interoperability is becoming – in addition to price and quality strategies – an increasingly important competitive factor. Networked machines, software, employees, suppliers, customers are a reality. Unfortunately, the design and engineering of software for decentralised and distributed socio-technical production systems is reaching quite often its limits

Sub-topic 5: Robots for non-Industrial Applications, Man machine collaboration
Robot for non-industrial Applications such as agriculture or medical robots have a high potential to transfer industrial solutions into other domains. Therefore, also the aspect of safety and human machine (robot) collaboration is very important.

 Working Group Members





The partners analysed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats they perceive associated to the topic of Automation & Robotics. Let’s check the result of the analysis.