Intelligent Production Systems
Intelligent Production Systems:An intelligent production system (IPS) is a system with the cognitive ability to deliver efficient interaction within a distributed industrial production environment, where humans and objectives collaborate in complex processes along the entire value-creation chain (Uhlmann, Hohwieler, Geistert, 2017: 1).
The Intelligent Production Systems TIN aims to include different interconnected topics that require to be investigated together in order to achieve a holistic development of the entire production system.
Sub-topic 1: Smart Sustainable Manufacturing
Sustainable manufacturing (SM) or green manufacturing is defined as a method for manufacturing that minimises waste, minimises energy usage and reduces the environmental impact of the whole manufacturing process chain.
Sub-Topic 2: Production in the domain of big data
Big data is a catchall term for a suite of storage, organization, and analysis techniques developed for massive data sets. In manufacturing, Big Data is defined as exceptionally large data sets, potentially numbering into the billions of rows and parameters, e.g. video footage, images, audio and sensor data and can include data collected at every stage of production, including data from machines, devices, product and operators. Big data can also be applied for the separation of correlation and causality, for isolating outliers as well as for novel classifications.
Sub Topic 3: Additive Manufacturing based hybrid process chains
Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) opens up a whole range of design and functional opportunities to create innovation in production as well as in product itself. However, problems exist in adapting AM technologies to work well together with conventional manufacturing processes. The role of AM technologies within hybrid manufacturing chains as well as the challenges faced while adopting AM are a focus within this topic
Sub Topic 4: Scalable Flexible Manufacturing
Scalable flexible production systems describe a complete process chain that is capable of adapting to changes, be it either due to changes in demand, supply, design etc. or changes inflicted by changes in external conditions such as policy, crisis etc. Topics within this sphere include modular production; these systems are characterized by standardized components and defined interfaces.
Working group members
LEADER: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Krakow Technology Park
- Lombardy Intelligent Factory Association
- Pannon Business Network Association
- Association Industry 4.0 Austria
- Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology
- Intelligent Integrated Systems Technology
- Pomurje Technology Park
- Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments
In order to determine the strategic orientation of the TIN, the partners analysed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats they perceive associated to the topic of IPS, their organisation and the working partnership.