Big October event in Slovenia

Last Wednesday October 20th, the CITYCIRCLE team and The creators of the strategy for the transition to the circular economy of the City municipality Kranj« met with the stakeholders of the pilot project in the area of Primskovo business zone after a long time.
The premises to organize an event on the circular economy in the mighty building of the former Gorenjski tisk, located in the center of the business area, were not chosen by chance. We conducted comprehensive interviews with the owner of the facility, as well as with 23 other stakeholders operating in the pilot area, and refreshed it with new data, ideas and vision. With the airing of the spatial plan, area of Primskov will have its mark in the map of municipality to which it belongs, given its strategic location in it.
At the event we listened to interesting presentations of experts and learned how the transition to a circular economy and many other environmental projects are progressing at European, national and local levels. The main focus of the event was the signing of the Memurandung of understanding for the transition to a circular economy, which was first signed by Mayor Matjaž Rakovec, followed by other companies and organizations in the Primskovo area and beyond.
The CITYCIRCLE team Kranj demonstrated their proactivity by presenting the pilot application Portal of Business Locations, which was developed for the Primskovo area among other project activities. The application was positively received, usernames and passwords were given to companies in the area, and in the coming days it will be shown how successful will it be in the future. In case the application comes to life in full, the CITYCIRCLE team will strive to make the application available to representatives of companies operating in other business areas in the City Municipality Kranj as a way of communication between various target groups according to the principles of the circular economy.