Citycircle @Get2it

We have recently been invited to present the Citycircle project at an event organised through another EU funded project - "Get2it - GETting to Active CITizenship in Europe" financed by "Europe for Citizens" program. The partners of "Get2it" have gathered at a three day event that was held in Italian city of Cavriago, and representatives of one of the Citycircle's partners, the Development Agency North - DAN from Varaždin (Croatia) have been invited to share the goals, activities and experiences.
Since the main theme of "Get2it" is active citizenship, especially within the young generations, Citycircle's activities are coherent with it. The Circular economy concepts and transition requires a shift in the way people think, look at the world and act, and the transition will only be possible if we achieve paradigm change. Thus, cooperation with programs, projects and activities aimed at the youth is essential.
More on the event and Citycircle participation - HERE... (in Croatian)