Circular Economy Hub: training activities in Udine (Italy)

The Municipality of Udine and the Energy Management Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia – Italian partners of the CityCircle project - have implemented the training activities related to the development of the regional Circular Economy hub.
The first training sessions were held in June 2021 in the city of Udine, in partnership with the local stakeholders. The program, called “Giugno Circolare”, was attended by students, professionals, companies and non-profit realities in order to discuss with citizens.
The 5 webinars program was developed starting from the “R principles”, the concepts on which the model of production and consumption of the circular economy is based.
They have dealt with topics such as energy, food consumption, repair, mobility and waste, referring to the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The recordings of the meetings (in Italian) are available on the YouTube channel of the Municipality of Udine (#GiugnoCircolare #CityCircle).
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