What are the downsides of "going circular"?

There is no doubt that "going circular" and achieving sustainability is logical, needed and optimal way to enable growth and development without destroying the planet. The climate change crisis, destruction of whole swaths of nature and social disruption they cause in order to fuel the consumption cravings of modern societies is increasingly becoming unattainable. It is no longer a threat we leave to future generations, it is right here right now and precisely that is why ideas such as circular economy are gaining more ground, are being introduced into public, national and European-level policies and that is why we are doing all the innumerable projects and activities to foster the change in our societies. The change that will not take away anything we have grown accustomed to. Quite the opposite, it will save our environment, our societies and ultimately our planet.
But, is everything so perfect? The need to "cut the corners" is part of the human mind. It is a natural response to changes that are being introduced by requiring certain modifications in the way our societies and economies operate. The dangers of current state of affairs is, maybe, still not evident enough in order to fully explain the need to change to all the players involved. And so, sometimes we face the situation where, on a logical and rational, even economical level, things are clearer, but on subjective level, they don't always go as planned.
Portal Social Europe has a very compelling and interesting story that tackles may of potential and real problems that current "circular change" policies face. It is always good to hear the other side (although there is no real other side in this case) in order to gain a different perspective and understanding what can and should be done in order to minimize the sometimes irrational resistance to change.
Read it HERE...