CITYCIRCLE Workshop on 18th European Week of Cities and Regions - NEW DEADLINE!

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The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. 

This year, CITYCIRCLE is an active participant in the event. The project will be presented and discussed within the workshop 'Cities fostering the circular transition '  that will be held on 15th of October 2020 starting at 9.30 a.m.

The workshop will be held online on using the Zoom virtual platform and REGISTRATION is needed. 

UPDATE: The NEW DEADLINE for registration is 14 October 2020. Please register HERE...

The agenda for the workshop is as follows:

Welcome and introduction

Topic 1: Local and regional governance 

The implementation of change towards Circular Economy in cities and regions requires the well-considered and orchestrated set of actions and measures. In this part, the experience of small and medium-sized cities of Central Europe with local and regional governance will be discussed.

Moderator: Nina Taylor, Project Manager, e-Zavod

1. Governance of shift towards Circular Economy by small and medium-sized Central European cities – approach of CITY CIRCLE project 

Speaker: Stefano Treu, Project Manager, Agenzia Per l’Energia del Friuli Venezia Giulia

2. Piloting circular solution in the domain of waste management and reuse in Varazdin, Croatia

Speakers: Nikolina Zigmund, Senior Consultant  Development Agency North, Gregor D. Zupančič, R&D Manager, Croteh -The Center for sustainable technologies development

3. Round table with the speakers

Moderated discussion involving the participants

Topic 2: Measuring/monitoring the circular transition

Shifting from waste management approaches to circular economy strategies means revising how progresses are monitored. However, there is no simple and convenient way to monitor circularity and its impacts at local and regional level. The multi-dimensional aspect of circular economy and the diversity of objectives behind circular economy strategies make it necessary to identify new sets of targets and indicators. This session will highlight two examples of approaches aiming to go beyond weight-based indicators, and better reflecting the environmental impact of local circular economy strategies. 
Moderator: Jean Benoit Bel, ACR+

Case 1 – Accounting the carbon emissions from the pre-waste stages of the products used on their territories

Speaker: Ramy Salemdeeb, Environmental Analyst, Zero Waste Scotland, United Kingdom

Case 2 – Promoting use of life cycle thinking in regional policies

Speaker: Jolanta Dvarioniene, Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, KTU – Kaunas University of Technology

Round table with the speakers

Moderated discussion involving the participants


Moderators: Jean-Benoit BEL, Project Manager, ACR+, Belgium, Nina Taylor, Project Manager, eZavod, Slovenia.

Jolanta Dvarioniene, Professor, Kaunas University of technology, Lithuania.
Ramy Salemdeeb, Environmental Analyst, Zero Waste Scotland, United Kingdom.
Stefano Treu, Project Manager, Energy Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy.
Nikolina Zigmund, Senior Consultant, Development Agency North – DAN ltd, Croatia.
Gregor Drago Zupančič, R & D Manager, Croteh Center for sustainable technologies development Ltd, Croatia.