Citycircle held its final public educational event on the grounds of Varaždin's Green market on Saturday 26 of March 2022, a a part of the "Green day" program of the market.
Varaždin's municipal market was an important part of the Citycircle pilot activity implemented in the city. The pilot was dedicated to demonstrating circular bioeconomy principles in real life situation. The relatively small municipal company that operates the green market was chosen as a perfect stakeholder for activities aimed at raising the awareness about the importance of waste separation among both tenants and users of the market, especially the biowaste.
Pilot created a circular system with biowaste separated at the market was used to produce digestate that was in turned used as a fertilizer on Green Market's own hazelnut farm, thus closing the circle.
After two years of pilot activity the overview of waste created at the Market has significantly changed. The mixed communal waste rate has been reduced by 40% and the percentage of sorted biowaste has risen to 56,8%. The pilot also established a efficient waste-sorting monitoring system that will ensure the continuation of these achievements.