Italy funds the implementation of Circular Economy R&D projects

The Italian Ministry for Economic Development has recently launched a financing fund to encourage the implementation of research and development projects in the context of the circular economy in order to promote a more sustainable economic growth. This initiative has been active since 10th December 2020 and 217 million euros have been made available for companies of all sizes that will apply.
The projects must be aimed at the productive reconversion of economic activities, as part of a transition towards a more sustainable and circular economy, in one or more of the following fields of action:
- Product and process innovations in terms of efficient use of resources
- Strengthening of industrial symbiosis paths
- Rational use and sanitation of water
- Durability of products
- Smart packaging
- Systems to increase the recovery and recycling rates of small and light materials.
According to the data updated to 14 January 2021, 82.2 million have been disbursed so far, compared to the 217 initially allocated for this initiative. 79 projects have been submitted, and about half of them concern the creation of new products and services.
For more information, visit the following website:
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