Interesting water retention project in Slovakia combats climate change on multiple micro-fronts 

There is a very interesting project happening in Slovak municipality of Kladzany in the Presov Region called "Adaptation to Climate Change and Water Retention Measures".

The project is, in short, aimed at retaining rainwater from municipal buildings in order to achieve multiple goals. First of all, it preserves water to be used during the summer heat to cool the microclimate of the area. It also reduces the risk of floods and last, but not least to improves the environment in the village center by revitalizing and aestheticizing public space by planting water-loving plants and installing wooden elements of small architecture. 

In addition to ecological effects, this project also has an economic advantage - a reduction in fees for the amount of unnecessarily drained and subsequently unnecessarily treated rainwater in the wastewater treatment plant. 

The municipality of Kladzany  was awarded for its project.
