Repairability index portal in France

On January 1, in France, based on the law n ° 2020-105 du 10 Fevrier 2020 "Relative à la lutte contre le gaspillage et à l'économie circulaire" ("Regarding a Circular Economy and the Fight Against Waste"), there is a new system of evaluation products based on their repairability.
The portal Indice de réparabilité implements the law in an exceptionally clean and simple way to give buyers information on how repairable a product that they plan to purchase really is.
Repairability of appliances index could possibly turn into one of the most important ways of influencing the customers to consider more factors when making a decision what to buy. Repairable products and appliances, are not only cheaper in the long run, especially for frequent-use products, but also an important part of making production cycle more sustainable.
Source: Indice de réparabilité