New and improved Terazzo tiles

Sometimes even the most ubiquitous things around as can become a driver for sustainability. For example, the "terazzo" tiles/material that became popular in the 50's because of it's low cost, durability and versatility is still widely used, especially in public spaces susch as schools, hospitals etc. In it's essence, terazzo is made by combining chips of marble, granite, quartz, glass, shell or other suitable material with cement or epoxy matrix as the binder. In a sense, by using parts of materials already harvested for other uses, Terazzo is not "unsustainable" by itself but there is a room for improvement.
The material made it's comback in early 2000's due to the versatility of possible designs and now there is another new energy to it, being brought by companies that decided to experiment with new additions to the classical formula of producing terazzo. Recycled plastics and other "waste" materials are used in order to create a new and improved version of the classical material or prodce entirely recycled "terazzo-like" products thay mimic the look and usage of the original but without using any new mined resources.
Croatian portal BURO has an interesting story about innovations that use classical building materials as an inspiration in order to create new sustainable and even more fashinable products that are sustainable and - circular.
Read the story HERE....