BCT Pilot trial version has been started
Gdynia, 1st February 2021
On 1.02.2021 at 06:00 BCT started with trial version of the pilot named ‘’INCOS (1.7.9)’’ communication platform to coordinate rail deliveries to BCT terminal.
All Intermodal Operators and Railway Carriers involved are able to declare cooperation on the platform. During the month of January, BCT arranged 10 trainings (mainly on-line) with Intermodal Operators and 7 trainings for Railway Carriers and also internal trainings for out operational staff. There are 36 trains announced in the platform, 9 of them have been proceeded and completed via platform. With two major operators BCT managed to develop integration communities (to set up train, updating moves data, passing rail order, verify the container readiness for transshipment).
After the trial period (February and March) BCT will analyze the performance, prepare and develop upgrade (2.0).