CWC Core Master Training

Milano, November 19-20, 2019

The Core Master Training was organised in Milano by Poliedra, CWC Project Partner, on November 19-20, 2019.

Knowledge transfer

It was a 1.5 day long interactive training session providing essential knowledge on circular urban water management, held for CWC Project Partners, Associated Partners and Stakeholder Advisory Panel members.

The Core Master Training constitutes the model for the 1-day long local competence building workshops that will be organised in the five participating functional urban areas (1 in each) in national language for the stakeholder group members.


The first part of the training (half day) was focussed on creating a shared knowledge base and a shared language on circular urban water management areas of intervention:

  • Water Governance
  • Water efficiency & losses reduction
  • Rainwater management
  • Greywater recycling

The second part of the training (one day) was mainly devoted to a Group game on case studies exploring structured involvement of stakeholders for the building of a shared vision and the identification of strategies of intervention for circular water management in a city. The emergence of collective intelligence was favoured through facilitation and the use of appreciative gaze.

The aim of the training was to give participants the experience of a smart water governance process and of how to build it. The active and participatory approach was a key component of the game; participants, their knowledge, experiences and ideals were the protagonists of the learning process.

As Erwin Nolde, one of the participants, reminded us through the words of Goethe: “Knowing is not enough, we must apply; willing is not enough, we must do.”

Erwin Nodle on the Core Master Training