Caring for cancer patients in the times of COVID-19 pandemic
1. 6. 2020
Acute health crisis throughout the world is having unforeseen and lifechanging consequences for people all over the world in their everyday life. In such times, it is important to keep in mind protection of the frailest among us, cancer patients being one of the most endangered groups in the pandemic.
COVID-19 pandemic and its upset of healthcare systems all over the world has shown the importance of Patient Centred Cancer Care in the field of Oncology. Coherent patient pathways, multiple channels of communication between patients and health care professionals, psychological support for patients accessible on-line are some of the ingredients of a Patient Centred Cancer Care Model that are crucial also in improving how cancer patients are coping with circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.
INTENT Interreg project continued with activities throughout the pandemic, working on the Patient Centred Cancer Care Model to come to life and help patients in future health crisis.