Centro di Ricerca e Innovazione Tecnologica s.r.l.

CRIT is a private company specialized in the research and analysis of technical and scientific information and in the development of research project activities. 

CRIT fosters the dialogue between enterprises on issues related to problems and relevant technical, organizational and logistic solutions, also through the best practices and through the organization of dedicated benchmarking activities. 

Founded in 2000 upon the initiative of 14 enterprises, presently CRIT has 27 shareholders and is open to new companies interested to access the wide range of expertise of its corporates, sharing its technological culture. 

CRIT offers specific activities and services to support innovation also to excellencies provider companies of shareholders which form the Excellence Suppliers Network: mainly formed by small and medium enterprises possessing competencies and processes with high technological recognized level and “certified” by one or more of shareholders of CRIT.  

CRIT is also partner of several important national and international innovation networks (i.e. High Technology Network of Emilia-Romagna Region, EFFRA – European Factories of the Future Research Association, SPIRE – Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency) and carries out several other services to support innovation. 

Core activities are:

  • technology scouting activities and analysis of mission critical information on specific technology fields or key-players;
  • development of collaborative innovation activities aimed at quickly starting up the adoption of new technologies.
  • management/deployment of tech-transfer projects;


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