Transnational Report

Date: December 30, 2020

CerDee Project Deliverables for Work Package 1

Ceramist Survey reports and interactive visualization for the CCI of program area

The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, namely the Faculty of Economics and the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, has finished processing data from the survey about the state of ceramics and porcelain industry in Central Europe. This survey aims to create a real and multidimensional image of the ceramics and porcelain industry in Central Europe, to describe its situation, its challenges, opportunities, perspectives; and how it can be the inspiration for society and what it can offer in the future.

The survey was conducted in 6 EU countries (Czechia, Italy, Germany, Poland, Austria, and Slovenia) with more than 330 subjects. These subjects were individual entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized enterprises, students, educational and cultural institutions, as well as the public sector.

The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (UWB) has already published three interactive reports. The first one describes the situation of the industry from the point of view of the private sector - entrepreneurs, small and medium businesses. The second report shows the industry from the point of view of ceramics students in all countries. The last report compares a subset of the answers among individual sectors – SMEs, students, educational, cultural, and public sector. These three reports are interactive and visualized using the PowerBI tool and are published on the portal Ceramics in Europe; the website These reports are also available on the project partner website

Now, the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (UWB) publishes the transnational status quo report of the creative industry (ceramics and related areas). This report summarises the results from the initial analytic phase. It compares participating regions, finds similarities and differences, and gives proposals on mutual learning possibilities among regions. In the introduction, this report focuses on the presentation of the current situation in individual countries. In the following chapters, the report gradually focuses on methodology, an overview of secondary data from the field of ceramic and design, the survey results i.e. primary data, and strengths and weaknesses. In the annexes are the screenshots of the PowerBI visualization.

UWB, under cooperation with partners from other countries, has also created a Status quo report of the ceramic creative industry and potentials and expectations for each country. Individual country reports are available on the portal Ceramics in Europe and also on the UWB website

This project part also includes the visualization of the stakeholder database, which is divided with respect to countries and types of stakeholders' groups. The visualized database is also accessible at Ceramics in Europe

All of the reports and ceramics database form the project output “Comprehensive transnational, publicly accessible visualized assessment report that maps Design and Arts existing settings as well as the potential in the ceramic CCI (TOOL)”.


Ing. Olga Šlechtová Sojková
Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods
Faculty of Economics, University of West Bohemia
Univerzitní 2762/22, Plzeň 3 - Jižní Předměstí
30614, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 377 633 120