Complex regional development program
by PBN, Hungary
Date: 09/07/2020
Place: Online platform
Number of participants: 10
The online meeting was organized by Pannon Business Network Association (PBN) Hungary. The program included information and inputs from multiple programs.

The aim of the web meeting was to increase awareness of digitization and digital innovation
hub among triple-helix stakeholders, mainly high-level regional policy makers. The city management – mayor, councillors – and county representative – vice president of the county – were participating. Presentation was held to explain, how Europe is approaching the next funding period, what role digitization will have, what are the most crucial instruments and how our region can benefit from it.

The event also included discussions and presentations about the relevance of the topic for the attendees, how can companies develop towards digitalisations and how could the city communicate this topic and how could they involve active citizens in this topic in the future.
As a next step, participants were brainstorming about the application of digitization, how the rural areas could be able to connect and how to explain to the broader ecosystem about the jobs versus automation challenges.
The online meeting was held in workshops in the following areas:
1) introduction of Interreg projects
2) presentation of the digitization and DIH concept
3) individual feedback about the understanding and potential commitment
4) definition of the related areas

5) next steps defined
The following outcomes are defined
1) Policy makers are aware of the role of digitization
2) Policy makers have an understanding of the digitization funding schemes of the EU
3) Policy makers are dedicated to support European Digital Innovation Hub, to be developed jointly