Chemnitz Innovation Makes a “Best of 2018” List
A fully electric 3-D printing motor impressed the editors of the journal “Konstruktionpraxis” and the readers of the “Materials & Design” section
Last year, electrical engineers from Chemnitz University of Technology produced the world’s first 3-D printed electric motor made from iron, copper and ceramic, and presented it for the first time at the Hannover Messe. This innovation so inspired the editors of the journal “Konstruktionspraxis”, that they published an article on the Chemnitz development in their end-of-the-year special issue, titled “Best of 2018”. This special issue includes a collection of the most interesting articles and product news, the most surprising results from research and development, and the most noteworthy pictures in the field from the year 2018. The 3-D printed electric motor from Chemnitz reached the “Top 12” for the year. It is also among the top 10 most clicked articles from the category “Materials & Design”.

Jacob Müller