Energy Cafè has been launched in Nova Gorica (Slovenia)


Energy Café has been launched on 04.01.2017. It will be located in the City Hall in Nova Gorica and will be opened to visitors within the period from January to June 2017 and from September to November 2017.
Visitors will be able to get energy advices on:
- possibilities of renewable energy use in residential, multi-residential buildings, houses, office and commercial buildings;
- non-refundable funds and loans for investments into energy efficiency and renewable energy sources;
- initiatives and events in the field of RES and EE (workshops, conferences...);
- planned activities and results of the CitiEnGov project. 

Energy Cafè Golea

The advisory services will be offered by GOLEA agency on first Wednesday of each month, while the selected external expert will offer advisory services on third Wednesday of each month, between 13 p.m. and 17 p.m.
Visitors will have the opportunity to get an energy advice and they will be awarded with a cup of coffee.

So...get energy advices and coffee!