Public lighting systems in CitiEnGov and Dynamic Light projects
25th May 2017, Dynamic Light Conference, Technological and Innovation Center of Međimurje, Čakovec
On 25th May 2017, the Međimurje Energy Agency (MENEA) organized a workshop about Dynamic Light project, in the Technological and Innovation Center of Međimurje, Čakovec.
The Dynamic Light project (Dynamic, Intelligent & Energy Efficient Urban Lighting) was approved at the 1st call of the Interreg Central Europe transnational programme in co-operation with 15 partners from 7 Central European countries. Dejan Kovačić from MENEA presented the project, its goals and planned results as well as the activities and work done so far. A pilot location in the town of Čakovec was also introduced, where the installation of Dynamic public lighting.
Also CitiEnGov was presented, from the City of Split, that participates in the project as a project partner and was presented by Project coordinator Hrvoje Matas. As part of the project activities in the City of Split, a Pilot project for the modernization of Public lighting (Green public lighting system) will be implemented. Other activities within the project are generation of energy plans, education and promotion for citizens of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources through Energy Café.

Jurica Perko, an energy expert from the North Energy Regional Agency, held an expert presentation on the impact analysis of dimming LED power efficiency. Ljubomir Perušić from IPT-engineering d.o.o., held another professional lecture on the topic of light-technical measurements in Public lighting. As he is one of the leading experts in designing lighting and Public lighting in our area, his lecture has raised a great deal of interest and a very interesting professional discussion. Petra Mesarić from SmartWay d.o.o., held a presentation on the possibilities of applying energy management and monitoring systems to Public lighting projects. Marko Miletić from the REGEA Regional Energy Agency of Northwestern Croatia, presented the NEWLIGHT project, that was approved through the ELENA (European Local Energy Assistance) financial assistance program.
The entire workshop was well attended by experts as well as by the wider public, and it was concluded from the debate that the reconstruction and renewal of the Public lighting system is one of the burning issues in many units of local administration. Apart from modernizing light bulbs, the Dynamic Light project encourages a strategic approach to reconstruction and promotes a process that enables a city to implement energy-efficient lighting, starting from ideas and analysis, GIS depth data analysis, strategy development to financial model levels, public procurement rules, and implementation and evaluation.