City of Leipzig
Leipzig is the fastest growing city in Germany with more than 600,000 inhabitants today and is expected to grow by another 50,000 inhabitants by 2030. Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) GmbH is the mobility service provider in this dynamic region, by operating 13 tram and 46 bus lines, which move more than 150 million passengers annually. Thanks to LeipzigMOVE, the LVB serves a unified mobility platform to their customers, by merging various mobility solutions, from public transport, bike and car sharing to Taxi in a single app.

New technologies and the digitalisation change mobility rapidly, thus pooling, on-demand and automated driving are particularly challenging public transport operators. Therefore, the key of Dynaxibility4CE is to compile strategies to exploit these trends to improve the quality of life in cities across (Central-) Europe. Hence, LVB seeks to capitalise on own projects such as LOW-CARB, FLEXA and ABSOLUT and from transnational partners.
Thanks to its experiences from previous transnational projects, LVB is the lead partner in this project - and together with the professionals from project partner Rupprecht Consult - will ensure a smooth and efficient project realisation. Based on pilot tests in the national project ABSOLUT we contribute real-world data for the development of an action plan for new CAD services.
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