Content Marketing: The Basis For The Creative Sector
October 2020

The Narodni muzej Slovenije / National Museum of Slovenia within the CerDee project and the Centre for Creativity within their series of October workshops called Creative Accelerator are organising an online workshop Content marketing: the basis for the creative sector.
The lecturer will be Christine Forster from Heartbeats Innovation & Communication. Each workshop will be followed by a presentation of good practices in the field of ceramics design in Slovenia – ceramist Hana Karim and visual artist Vera Stanković.
Reaching and communicating with target groups is becoming more and more demanding for companies, organizations, self-employed and creatives with the constant growth of the digital world. This is completely understandable, as we are all saturated with new messages – according to the latest statistics, we receive a total of up to 10,000 messages from various brands in one day online and live. As a result, individual brands find it difficult to get the attention of their target groups.
At this point, content marketing allows us to reach the right people with the right message at the right time on the right channel(s). And not only that: content marketing can greatly contribute to the growth of the value of a particular brand, as well as to the achievement of set goals, and allows the customers to establish a connection with the brand online at their own time. The workshop and presentations will be held in English.

The workshop will address:
▪ The most important tools of content marketing
▪ How to tell a story and how to find the ‘right’ stories for your brand
▪ How to find the best channels and best sales formats for your brand
▪ Trends in content marketing: responsible storytelling and the impact of communication
▪ Simple process of creating a ‘customer online experience’
▪ How to create and implement a content plan
1. Introduction + Ideas: How Content Marketing and Storytelling can Become the Biggest Support Tuesday, 20th October 2020
The first part of the e-workshop is dedicated to learning how content marketing can help you achieve your business goals and learning about the tools with which we achieve them. We will look not only at how to find the best stories for your brand, but also how to choose the right forms and channels (social networks) to tell these stories.
2. Trends + Tactics: How to Structure and Implement Content Marketing
Tuesday, 27th October 2020
In the second part of the e-workshop, we will take a quick look at the latest trends in content marketing, such as responsible storytelling and the impact of communication. We will look at simple steps on how to create a ‘customer online experience’ and a content plan with the resources at your disposal.