Czech Republic: RUMOBIL study trip in Brno
With the official launch of RUMOBIL programs started one of the county’s important development projects, in which plays a key role the studying good practices used in partner countries, as well as it’s applying in the own region and own part of the projects. To learn good practices, representatives of Self-governments of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County’s took part on a study trip, where they could test innovative, useful solutions connected to the projects, to its contributes to realize the development.
While the development is very specific and just few experience are available, it was very important for the Self-government before starting the development, to observe the system during operation and to gather data to realize the investment on high-level. To achieve this the Self-government started to organize the participation on a study trip taking into account the mentioned conditions. After a long-lasting analysis, the center of South-Moravian region Brno has proved to be the most appropriate area. In this place there is a wide range of public transport, namely we can travel as well by tram, bus and trolley. Public transport supported by integrated passenger information panels and a traffic monitoring system, which investigate actual movement of public transport vehicles and collect data to define exact departures and arrive of this vehicles. The program of the visit included the presentation of the system, a round trip by public transport in the region and the visit of system helping infrastructure e.g.: railway stations, traffic control centers etc. Participants of study trip could learn about so-called Integrated Traffic System.

The integrated traffic system forms a new basis for “everyday transport”, facilitate going to work and school, reaching health and social services such a way, that public transport can get closer to us, potential passengers in the region –both in terms of awareness and distance. This solution could be an answer for negative demographic change affected European rural areas, for depopulation and ageing occurs from it’s proved by number of studies- insufficiency and underdevelopment of public transport. Such services affect the quality of life of local people and sometimes they perform a vital necessity, and gives hand for social groups, which can’t use it for his health condition or his financial condition does not allow an own vehicle, and without system’s help becomes more disadvantaged and more isolated from other parts of society.

During the study trip observed good practices and gathered experiences will provides significant support by project related work of Self-government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County and gives a mainstream for implementation of ideas.