Pilot Visit in Italy

On Monday, December 14, the study visit of the Italian pilot took place. The meeting focused on the specifics of the Italian pilot and the importance of developing strong relations with the local environment.

On Monday, December 14, the study visit of the Italian pilot took place.
25 participants attended - project partners representatives and representatives of their stakeholders.
The meeting focused on the specifics of the Italian pilot and the importance of developing strong relations with the local environment.
What distinguishes the Italian pilot is that it covered a wide territory: the call addressed 293 selected minor municipalities (almost 60% of the total number of municipalities included in the internal areas in the Region) under three different departments, which are characterized by different local institutional and financing ecosystems and which have a different level of support when it comes to impact-based enterprises.

pilot visit italy

Low response to previous regional calls showed a weakness of the Delfin pilot beneficiaries to seize market opportunities.
Because of this, dveloping an increasing relationship with the local territories and ecosystems, starting from the very beginning of the pilot are key for the full success of this action and for its sustainability in the mid and long run.
The meeting opened with a presentation of how the call was designed and how the local administrative units were involved through the scouting process.
Afterwards, the provider of the training explained how the local dimension was tackled and how the building of the network has been stimulated. The Italian pilot program adopted an inclusive rotational model since it is spread around the region.
Afterwards, two projects participating in the pilot described their experience and the benefits they receive from it. 
A map of local stakeholders was also presented and it was highlighted that the pilot is contributing to local strategies and acting in synergy with local initiatives, strengthening the local ecosystems by connecting the stakeholders (and potential investors) across administrative units.
To conclude, two stakeholders representing two different areas and different legal statuses, a private bank and a social cooperative, shared their expectations regarding the pilot program.