Italian stakeholder meeting
The 8th of July the stakeholders meeting for Piedmont Region took place in Torino Fondazione Brodolini and FinPiemonte invited stakeholders involved in the theme of support social entrepreneurship in internal area of the Region, with the aim of create a first round table to support solid ecosystem for the social enterprises development.
The first part of the meeting was dedicated to the presentation of the project to stakeholders. And to the interesting participation by Professor Barbera (University of Turin). The economic structure of the Piedmontese mountain and the role of social enterprises that opened the round table of interventions.
The round table between partner and stakeholders had a focus on Good practices to share, Synergy to b activated to foster the ecosystem and other interested stakeholders to add to the table for the future steps.
To stimulate discussion and give a line, Italian partners asked questions to the table, leaving the guests free
to intervene:
- What is the picture of social enterprises in rural areas?
- Which conditions allow social enterprises to born and grow in rural areas and be an engine of inclusive development?
- How to map the territorial stakeholders that could be involved in the process?
- What are the synergies with your past and future interventions?
- Which territorial specifications should be considered?
Briefly, the main findings concerned:
The interdependence between cities and rural areas is an important factor to rebuild a strategy
The necessity to build an ecosystem that considers a place based strategy as central
The list of different themes and features of the social enterprise in rural areas and of social entrepreneur profiles
The meeting represents a first step to build a relationship of interest around the themes, and no communication channels have been opened to continue.
FinPiemonte and the Fondazione Brodolini are very grateful to the participants involved for their contribution and the precious suggestions.