Smart working and inner area - webinar

A webinar to explore opportunities, risks and value of smart working for social and territorial cohesion.


Fondazione Brodolini launched the 2nd December a national panel to discuss opportunities and challenges posed by the spread of smart working for cohesion policies in Italian internal areas.

Encouraging smart working is also an element of success for DelFin which supports the birth and growth of social entrepreneurship in rural area in Piedmont Region.

The emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has generated an extensive and unprecedented spread of forms of remote work of different nature, in Italy generally collected under the name of smart working.

It is a  real de-spatialization, that is a profound transformation of the relationship between work and place. The widespread diffusion of this new organizational method allows us to rethink both the dimensions of living and those of cohesion, offering new opportunities both to places considered peripheral, and to the need to address the territorial and social asymmetries of communities.

Phenomena like the Italian so-called "south-working", or alternative choices, such as the re-inhabiting internal areas, are today concrete possibilities, which can change people's lives and affect demographic dynamics and the cohesion of Italy.

Smart working is therefore an opportunity for internal areas and determines new questions about inner area future challenges.

Also the social innovation approach, that DelFin project supports, allows the development of new and better solution to that challanegs.

These the topics were addressed by:

Luisa Corazza, Director of ARiA and Professor at Molise University

Micaela Fanelli, Member of the Steering Commettee of the Territorial Cohesion Agency

Filippo Barbera, Member of the Forum Disugualianze Diversità and Professor at Torino University

Francesco Monaco, Coordinator of the  Internal Areas Technical Committee Chairman

Raffaele Paciello, Coordinator of the Research Unit Communication and Public Policies, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini

The webinar, organized by the Research Center for inner areas and Appennines (Centro di Ricerca per le Aree interne e gli Appennini - ARiA) in collaboration with Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, succeeded with 170 subscription and an interested follow up discussion.

The webinar is available here (ITA)  

