Dynaxibility4CE – Magyar CIVINET joint webinar on SUMP
On the 3rd of May, 2022 the INTERREG Dynaxibility4CE project and Magyar CIVINET organized a joint online event where the results of the EU-funded international project were presented. The event titled “How to plan for sustainable mobility” attracted over 30 professionals and experts from municipalities and transport companies. The first part of the event comprised of presentations focusing on planning sustainable urban mobility and applying SUMP in smaller cities and Budapest, while during the second block the presenters talked about the results and pilots implemented within the project.
The first presentation was held by Zsuzsanna Katona from the Ministry of Finance who talked about the funding opportunities for smaller cities to implement or develop their existing sustainable urban mobility strategies. Tünde Hajnal from the Centre for Budapest Transport (BKK) talked about the capital’s SUMP (from 2019) which is being reviewed now. The presentation by Dr. András Szele from Mobilissimus was about the experiences of implementing SUMP in smaller Hungarian cities. This was backed by the presentation of Morgane Juliat from Rupprecht Consult who is one of the contributors of the recently published SUMP Topic Guide for Smaller Cities and Towns. She talked about the similarities and differences of SUMPs for bigger and smaller cities.

(C) Holding Graz
After the virtual coffee break, the first presenter was Wolfgang Backhaus from Rupprecht Consult who talked about the SUMP Topic Guides, one of them being the CCAM guideline, which is also being further developed within the project. Laura Babío from the Polis Network talked about the UVAR integration into the SUMP process and how it worked in Krakow, one of the pilot cities of the Dynaxibility4CE project. This was followed by the presentation of Magdalena Senger from the City of Graz, who talked about the MaaS implementation in the city. The goal is to have all the mobility services included in one application. Finally, András Vágány from BKK talked about the action plan of Budapest how the city will implement and integrate the MaaS.
This article was originally published here.