Dynaxibility4CE closed knowledge gap with new CCAM brochure
Similar to the annex to the UVAR topic guide and the MaaS topic guide, third document for stakeholders in Central Europe provides guidance on the topic of Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) services. It is available in the Dynaxibility4CE project library.
Robust guidance, tools and methodologies need to be provided to enable cooperative action and informed decision-making, ensuring the strategic alignment of the deployment scenarios with local conditions, policy goals, and societal needs. Thus, Dynaxibility4CE developed a guideline for the CCAM integration in SUMP processes, leading the preparation of an SUMP Topic Guide for CCAM. The content and best practices are based on the plans and experiences of Leipzig, Stuttgart, Graz and Parma, which assessed the potential of CCAM solutions.

The document is structured according to the eight SUMP principle and highlights the specific moments in the four phases of the SUMP cycle that allow several important considerations concerning the CCAM topic. The analysis is based on the existent Practitioner Briefing for Road-Vehicle Automation, developed by the CoExist project on 2019, Dynaxibility4CE thoroughly analysed current support needs and knowledge gaps, cooperating with ongoing projects like ART-FORUM, PAV and Ride2Autonomy, ensuring its alignment with sustainable urban mobility goals, local authorities will need to take a leading role.