Stuttgart Press Release

The Stuttgart Region gained significant results concerning the topics of on-demand-transport and vehicle automation within the last two years, thanks to the participation in the Interreg Central Europe Project ‘Dynaxibility4CE - Capacities for dynamic and flexible planning for low-carbon mobility trends and policies in Central Europe’. Dynaxbility4CE is a project funded by the Interreg Central Europe Program. In the framework of this project, the Regional Association of Stuttgart investigated together with the University of Stuttgart on the Integration of autonomous on-demand ridesharing vehicles into the public transport system in a peri-urban area in Stuttgart Region (Schurwald area). The conducted study is a transport simulation in the planning area Schurwald. The impacts and consequences of the integration of the autonomous on-demand Ridesharing feeder are explored within the study. Some indicators like the modal split, kilometres per person, CO2 emissions and costs are evaluated. Altogether three scenarios have been simulated, analysed and compared to the base scenario of the transport model.

The study resulted in several main lessons that were learned throughout the project: 

  • The Implementation of an attractive feeder to the suburban and regional train lines and consequently an improvement of the participation of all societal groups in mobility.
  • The increase of the share of the public transport and the reduction of the share of the motorised individual traffic in the modal split.
  • The increase of the kilometres done per person for instance through intensifying the service frequency.
  • The rise of the occupancy rate/vehicle in the ridesharing simulations comparing to the occupancy rate of the motorised individual traffic (1,3 persons/vehicle).
  • The simulations assume the implementation of electric and autonomous vehicles. With the increased number of vehicles used due to the intensified service frequency the costs are rising and the energy consumption does too.
  • The emission of CO2 stays at approximately the same level as the in base scenario.