ECRR in the European Week of Cities and Regions
13th October 2016
ECRR was presented in the side-event of the European Week of Cities and Regions 2016 "Religious heritage as a resource for sustainable economic growth in rural areas. "European Cultural Route of Reformation” as an example of good practice", organized by the Office of the Protestant Church in Germany in Brussels.
After an interesting speech of Ms. Dr. Babette Winter (State Secretary for Culture and Europe of the Thuringian State Chancellery), Ms. Natàlia García held a presentation on ECRR providing the audience with an overview about the project's motivations, its members, Goals, Outputs, work plan structure, as well as the benefits for the involved regions.
After the presentation a discussion round on the potential of Reformation-themed cultural heritage for sustainable development in rural Areas took place. Ms. Dr. Babette Winter, Ms. Dr. Henrike Franz (Representation of Saxony-Anhalt in Brussels and Working Group Leader at ERRIN), Mr. Carlo Corazza (European Commission, Directorate General Growth, Chief of Department for Tourism) and Ms. Natàlia García (ECRR) participated in the discussion round, which was moderated by Ms. Sandra Coumans, from Future for Religious Heritage.