1st Workshop in Prelog, Croatia
The first in a series of workshops was held on Friday, November 29, 2019 at the Economic Forum of the City of Prelog with the aim of involving citizens in energy planning processes as part of the ENES-CE project (Collaboration between public bodies and citizen energy groups in implementing local energy strategies in Central Europe). The main objective of the project is to involve citizens in energy investment planning processes. The inclusion is carried out through the establishment of citizen energy groups that will support the local government bodies with the bottom-up method in planning and implementing energy projects.
In the first part of the workshop, a presentation of previous activities carried out within the ENES-CE project was held, including an analysis of the existing Sustainable Energy Action Plan of the City of Prelog and its progress, the main concepts and objectives of the ENES-CE project were presented as well as European best practices.
In the second part of the workshop, called "Prelog 2030", based on the simplified Future Workshop model, local stakeholders from the public and private sectors analyzed the existing plan and imagined the future of sustainable energy development in the city of Prelog. The workshop was attended by 20 stakeholders from the broader community from the commercial sector, citizens and representatives of local authorities.
The objectives of this first workshop was to involve citizens of town of Prelog in energy investment planning processes, enhance capacities of participants in the field of energy development and gather current knowledges, experiences and opinions of participants on concepts linked to sustainable energy, energy projects and their potential for the development of the town of Prelog.