3rd workshop in Lubelsie, Poland
On November 24, 2020 Lubelskie Voivodeship held the 3rd workshop "Presentation of new energy plans, the LCEP of the Niemce Commune updated in the bottom-up process to a wider audience”. The meeting was a part of the online event „Energy planning in a commune with residents involvement”. The event was the occasion to present two projects financed from European funds: "ENES-CE" and “National consultancy support system for the public sector, the residential sector and enterprises in the scope of energy efficiency and RES”. It gave the opportunity to reach the wider group of stakeholders from the Lubelskie region.
The invitation to participate in the meeting was sent to the authorities of 213 communes in the region, municipal energy specialists, as well as residents and other stakeholders from the Lubelskie Voivodeship. Eventually the meeting gathered together almost 50 participants.
In the first part of the meeting, the expert involved in the ENES-CE project presented the updated Low-Carbon Economy Plan (LCEP) for the Niemce Commune, as well as planned activities in the commune related to the use of renewable energy and the creation of a citizen energy group. He talked talked about the commune's priority activities and investments in renewable energy based on the tool which has been developed in the ENES-CE project.
Participants of the meeting were also presented the schedule of creating the energy cluster in the commune as part of the ENES-CE project in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. For this purpose and in order to define a pilot action, Lubelskie plans a series of 3 workshops to be organized in 2021 for residents and others stakeholders.
In the second part of the meeting, the project Energy Advisors working under “National consultancy support system for the public sector, the residential sector and enterprises in the scope of energy efficiency and RES”, presented the possibilities and conditions for obtaining funds for investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy for households and local government units, under national programmes such as: Clean air, My Electricity, Agroenergy. They talked also about the “Stop Smog” programme and the anti-smog resolution submitted to public consultation, as well as the areas of floating dust pollution levels exceedance in the Lubelskie region and air pollution levels in the Niemce Commune.