Climate protection and sustainability day in Pfaffenhofen – a success story
The Climate Protection and Sustainability Day finally took place again in Pfaffenhofen on 25th July 2021. Over 1,000 citizens from Pfaffenhofen followed the claim of this year's Climate Protection and Sustainability Day and came to the Bürgerpark on Sunday afternoon. At times, the entrances to the park even had to be closed, as the number of visitors on the grounds was limited due to Covid19 regulations. Additionally, the project partners from ENES-CE joined in to get impressions of the approach in Pfaffenhofen.
More than 20 stakeholders have illustrated their knowledge and actions and presented themselves in the Bürgerpark on an area of about 1.5 hectares.
During the afternoon, the energy cooperative in Pfaffenhofen opened their climate clock, which is one of the pilot projects of ENES-CE.
In the evening the climate protection prize of the city of Pfaffenhofen was awarded. Several organisations were honoured for the outstanding projects.
Photos: Sabine Seidl, Holger Klos