Measure Together!
In frame of the ENES-CE project, energy monitoring system was launched in 40 local public institutes of Zugló municipality.
Prior to this ENES-CE initiative, the energy consumption data of the public buildings were collected and documented in various systems: some institutes have super modern smart metering system, some of them pay the bills on flat rate, other consumers read the meter once a year...From this year 40 institutes are joined to the „Online Monitoring System” database and collect the data regularly in unified system. The data will be processed and analysed by the energy expert partner of the municipality.
The software background of the data management was developed in the Compete4SECAP project ( and it is tried out and used by several European municipalities.
The new system helps to get an accurate picture of the electricity, heat, and natural gas consumptions of the public buildings.
The sharp data analysis is crucial point of decision making in preparation of investments and energy procurement, it helps to identify deviations in energy consumption and ensures the transparency of the institution management. Beyond the above objectives, the evaluation of strategic goals of the local government set out in climate and energy papers should be based on data.
The plan is that all the municipality owned local public institutions join the unified system to get an up-to-date and transparent energy management system.
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