ENTRAIN in Krapinske Toplice and Sveti Martin na Muri
Croatian partners from REGEA - North-west Croatia Regional Energy Agency promoted ENTRAIN project in two municipalities of Continental Croatia during the summer
July 22nd 2021: ENTRAIN regional event in Krapinske Toplice

On 22nd of July 2021 the first regional event within the international project ENTRAIN took place in the municipality of Krapinske Toplice, which is in the target region of Krapina-Zagorje County. With a few welcoming words, the meeting was opened by the mayor of the municipality of Krapinske Toplice, Ms Gordana Jureković. The event started with an introduction to the ENTRAIN project itself by Ms. Martina Krizmanić Pećnik (project leader in REGEA).
The event objective was to present participants, activities, goals and newest deliverables of the project, and to discuss about perspectives of development of small district heating systems on renewables in Croatia. A more detailed explanation of the heat demand mapping of pilot city Karlovac method was given. The basic concept of small renewable district heating systems was presented and the main work-packages of the project have been described. Ms. Martina Šarlog Vincek (REGEA), presented the possibilities of using RES in energy renovations of public buildings. Next it was time for Ms Martina Krizmanić Pećnik (REGEA), whose theme was how to use and install the heating systems on RES with combination of energy efficiency step by step in public buildings. Finally, the impact of this project to the municipality of Krapinske Toplice and its surrounding area has been explained, including knowledge and experience sharing, collaboration with other EU cities, local development of advance heating concepts, use of local resources, increased economy of the community, etc.
September 8th 2021: ENTRAIN presentation in Sveti Martin na Muri

On 8th of September Martina Krizmanić Pećnik, representative from REGEA presented the ENTRAIN project and the pilot city of Karlovac through the gradual introduction of geothermal energy into the central system at the Regional ECO-SPA conference in Sveti Martin na Muri, organized by the city of Križevci as part of the HealingPlaces project. HealingPlaces, funded by the Interreg Central Europe program, intends to support the sustainable development of spas while protecting the unique natural resources on which they are based. ENTRAIN and HealingPlaces projects are interconnected because they support locally available renewable sources, primarily geothermal energy that can be applied to various heating and cooling processes in industry, for electricity generation and depending on the chemical composition of water and for spa purposes. Martina also participated at the panel discussion on climate change and valorization of geothermal energy in the continental part of Republic Croatia. At the panel discussion she pointed out that climate change and environmental destruction are a great threat to the existence of Europe and the world. In order to achieve the goals of the European Green Deal it is necessary to use locally available resources in areas where this is possible, especially geothermal waters – multipurpose energy potential that are currently not valorized or used in an acceptable way in the Republic of Croatia. In total, the event was attended by 39 participants.