Kick-off Meeting
15-16 April, Milan, Italy
- ENTRAIN team met in Milan at Ambiente Italia's headquarters in mid-April: our 11 partners had the occasion to meet each other for the first time and discuss project aims and schedule.
- Here the agenda:
Day 1 - April 15th:
- Welcome and introduction by Chiara Lazzari and Riccardo Battisti of the lead partner Ambiente Italia
- Success stories on local renewable district heating from Austria and Germany by AEE Intec and Solites
- Counselling from our Project officer Matija Vajdic of The Interreg Central Europe Programme
- Presentation of the first step of the project, WPT1 (Work Package): Preparing the local ground, by croatian partner REGEA
- Second step, WPT2: Knowledge transfer, by AEE Intec
- Third and final WPT3: Making the change, by Solites
Day 2 - April 16th:
- Presentation and discussion of the Work Package Communication by italian partner APE FVG
- Quality district heating is key: the ‘QM Heizwerke’ system explained by AEE Intec
- Discussions on the next steps: Project meetings, deliverables & deadlines