Our regional stakeholders meetings continue... online!
GERMANY - online meeting for Neckar-Alb regional stakeholders
The second RSAG meeting in the Neckar-Alb region was organized by project partners RVNA and Solites. Because of the Corona-crisis the event was finally organized as a webmeeting, taking place for two hours on the afternoon of 23rd of March. Most important for the ENTRAIN-team was to get feedback on and input to the draft of the action-plan.
Solites gave a comprehensive analysis and summary of the actual market situation on solar DH in Baden-Württemberg and together we summarized the development of rDH in the communities of the Neckar-Alb region, discussing problems and experiences in the communities.
The mayor of Mehrstetten attended the meeting with specific questions on how to continue the realization of their rDH, which offered a great possibility to discuss the different aspects and options.
Again, German partners RVNA, Solites and HEF managed to assemble experts and multipliers with strong roots in the target region and various fields such as Science and Research, local public authorities, Municipal utilities, Climate protection and Energy agencies, Citizens' Energy and Energy Cooperatives.

CROATIA - Karlovac and Zagreb stakeholders meet online
Although the second Croatian stakeholders' meeting was supposed to be held at REGEA's premises, this extraordinary situation caused by the pandemic urged North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency to rethink options. Instead of postponing the meeting and with the help of a communication platform, the meeting was successfully organised online.
REGEA gathered regional stakeholders from Karlovac and Zagreb county to comment on the draft of the Regional Action Plan and the measures introduced in it. At the beginning of the online meeting, REGEA representatives explained the objectives of ENTRAIN project and how the Regional Action Plan contributes to the achievement of the objectives. It was emphasized that the measures of the Plan are based on the activities and measures identified by the Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the period 2020 - 2022 of the individual counties in the ENTRAIN project target region.
Following the introductory part, REGEA clarified the measures contained in the action plan and asked the members of the working group for comments and possible amendments to the measures. In addition to the description of the measures, the members of the group were also presented with the target groups, the source of funding as well as future activities planned to be implemented within each measure. At the end, all stakeholders agreed with the proposed draft of the Action Plan.
Additionally, RSAG (regional stakeholder advisory group) members suggested hosting webinar workshops, instead of physical ones, which is included as one of the measures in the Action Plan. This way, it could potentially attract more users, but also enable continuous implementation of the project should the COVID-19 pandemic continue.