Expected project results

The main advantage of implementing the YouInherit is that it provides actors of the CE regions with underutilized or inconsistently valorised cultural heritage of old crafts with good practices and a toolkit for involving the young and talented generations, as key players of sustainability, in three important dimensions of cultural heritage valorisation:

1) building capacities for coordinating CH valorisation on local & regional levels,

2) valorising particular tangible and intangible heritage assets,

3) sustaining old crafts by redefining the related economic activities along a new innovative basis.  

The expected change is that regions will be able to base their economic prosperity on a creative utilization of CH potentials, and more young people find their livelihood in heritage related activities and improve marketability by innovative ideas. As a result of the project the institutional capacity of the local authorities as well as the market capacities of the private sphere involved in the revitalisation and management of cultural heritage of old trades will be substantially upgraded in the participating regions. This will be achieved via the active involvement of young innovative people who help to integrate managerial thinking, networking methods

into the bureaucratic operations, slow and inefficient decision making. Private sphere is understood in the project as service providers in tourism and craftsmen entrepreneurs benefitting directly from the project outcomes.